Clearing the Path

Resource Recommendations Rebekah Jordan Resource Recommendations Rebekah Jordan

What’s Wrong with Fair Play?

Fair Play is Rodsky's answer to the imbalance of work that often crops up in managing a house and family. The book offers tools, techniques, and resources that help couples learn how to share responsibility for household tasks and decision-making in a way that works for the whole family. For families struggling with school stress or a mental health crisis, this structure is invaluable.

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Parenting Strategies and Support Rebekah Jordan Parenting Strategies and Support Rebekah Jordan

Your best is always good enough.

In that moment, I heard the tired voices of so many parents who have picked up the phone and called me, exhausted from years of phone calls and appointments and teachers conferences and therapies and interventions and evaluations. They so often feel like they have failed their children because the “results” weren’t what they expected or hoped for.

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